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Self referrals

There are a number of services locally that you are able to make self referrals to.


Wandsworth Carers’ Centre

Wandsworth Carers’ Centre is a registered charity and limited company that has been providing support to unpaid Carers in Wandsworth since 1995. Wandsworth Carers’ Centre is the lead provider of Carers Partnership Wandsworth.


Drugs and alcohol

Wandsworth Consortium Drug & Alcohol Service

Confidential service for Wandsworth residents aged 18 years and older.



Wandworth Wellbeing service

Wandworth Wellbeing service offers support and advice for people who have a health condition that could be treated by exercise. The programme is delivered in 7 local leisure and sport centre’s across Wandsworth.

Courses, classes and groups

Mental health

Talking Therapies

We can help if you are experiencing anxiety or stress, depression, bereavement or loss, sleep difficulties, anger issues, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, eating disorders and many other everyday problems.

Refer yourself to Talking Therapies

Big White Wall

Big White Wall is an online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programmes, creative outlets and a community that cares. When you’re dealing with everyday stressors or major life events, we’ll help you get through it.


Talk Wandsworth (iPAT)

We provide confidential help for problems such as stress, worry and low mood. We offer talking therapies for people over the age of 18. You can refer yourself or you can be referred by a healthcare professional such as your GP.


My planned care

NHS’s My Planned Care

Anyone waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, can now access the NHS’s My Planned Care digital patient platform, which provides direct access to the latest average wait time information for your hospital as well as helpful advice and support whilst you wait. We encourage our patients to look at this site before contacting their GP or hospital for an update about any elective procedures.



St George’s Maternity services

To refer yourself to St George’s Maternity services please visit the link below and complete their online self-referral form.


Sexual health

South West London Information on Sexual Health

Spectra work with all people, often from diverse and marginalised communities, empowering positive, informed choices about health, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing, and as well as working with people to combat isolation and risk.


Smoking cessation

Smoking cessation advisors

The practice wishes to support all current smokers that want to quit and research has shown that you are four times more likely to do so with support than if you go ‘cold turkey’. If you’d like some help, please call the surgery to arrange an initial appointment with one of our smoking cessation advisors. Follow-up appointments can also be made later to monitor your progress.

GP referrals

To request a GP referral:

Provide as much information as you can as this will help us to process your request.

Tracking a referral

To track an existing referral:

NHS e-Referral

If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.

You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.

Related information


Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 30 July 2024