Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Travel advice/ immunisation

Please book an appointment with the travel nurse at least six weeks prior to departure, as some immunisations need to be given in advance to provide optimum cover. Please note that not all travel vaccines are free, so you may be required to pay a charge. It is advisable to bring cash or a cheque book with you to your appointment. Please note that the practice is unable to accept credit cards.

Family planning and cervical smears

Women seeking family planning can always see a doctor if they wish but there is also a clinic run by specially trained nurses. These nurses will give advice on birth control, do cervical smears, pregnancy tests, teach breast examination and also advise on fitting coils and caps.

Antenatal clinics

The practice runs a “shared care” system. This way you will see your own doctor and go to the hospital for booking and special tests. The clinics are run with a community midwife and health visitor so continuity of care is guaranteed for both you and your baby during and after your pregnancy.

Baby clinics

The doctor and nurse run baby clinics Monday to Friday for child health surveillance and immunising your children (scroll down to see current schedule). Please ask for details at reception.

Patients aged 15 – 39

We are committed to health promotion for our patients and you are encouraged to come to the practice for an “MOT” style health check, which will be done by either your doctor or one of our practice nurses. Your blood pressure, height and weight will be recorded, and a specimen of urine tested. We will discuss diet, smoking and alcohol intake, and any appropriate advice will be given. Please note that this is not a full medical but, rather, a very useful spot check which gives us the opportunity to anticipate problems before they arise.

NHS health check

We actively encourage patients to take part in NHS health check for adults aged between 40 and 74. The check enables your doctor or nurse to assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia. They can then give you personalised advise on how to reduce your risk.

Patients aged 75 or over

We have a practice policy that recommends that all patients over 75 should have a yearly health check. Please ask at reception for details.


People who provide a substantial amount of unpaid care for another person are entitled to an assessment by their general practice on an annual basis and an assessment by social services.

Please ask at reception for an information pack.

Health promotion

We strongly support the emphasis and trend towards health education and self-reliance. We recommend that you observe the following principles:

  • Eat healthily – keep your weight within safe limits
  • Increase activity – take more exercise
  • Stop smoking
  • Drink alcohol in moderation

The doctors and, in particular, practice nurses and health visitors are always ready to offer help and encouragement.

Flu and pneumonia vaccination

Each year a programme of influenza vaccination is carried out at the medical centre and it is strongly recommended that patients at greatest risk i.e. over 65 years of age, diabetics, asthmatics and those with a history of heart disease take advantage of this vaccination. Patients should contact the surgery every September to make an appointment. Pneumonia vaccinations are available all year for the same category of patients. One pneumonia vaccination will provide lifetime cover.


If your doctor or nurse recommends a blood test, we offer a phlebotomy service 5 days a week 8am to 11am. Please ask at reception to book an appointment.

Childhood immunisations

Each vaccine is given as a single injection into the muscle of the thigh or upper arm. For your personalised vaccine schedule please visit the NHS: Vaccination Schedule.