Cyber attack on Synnovis lab services

On Monday, June 3, Synnovis (a provider of lab services) was the victim of a ransomware cyber attack.

This is having a significant impact on the delivery of services at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and primary care services in south east London.

Blood samples sent to the lab since last Friday (i.e., 31/05/2024) will not be processed. Routine phlebotomy services in primary care are currently suspended and testing is being prioritised to ensure the most critically ill patients are supported.

Blood sciencesUrgent tests only
MicrobiologyUrgent tests only
Tissue sciencesSamples being processed as normal

Cervical screening is not managed by Synnovis and is unaffected.

Emergency care continues to be available, so patients should access services in the normal way by dialling 999 in an emergency and otherwise using 111. Patients should continue to attend appointments unless told otherwise.

We will continue to provide updates for patients about the impact on services. If you have an appointment scheduled for a blood test, please be aware that it may be cancelled or rearranged.